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Friday, May 02, 2008



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Hi All

I just wanted to start by saying that the offering here is simply amazing. I think everyone does a fine job here and just wanted to make that known.

With that being said, I wanted to take a moment to note a site that I found to be helpful during the decision making process while purchasing http://www.angelseyesreview.com>Angels Eyes. AngelsEyesReview.com has been a amazing help in the process and hope you can benefit in the same way.


I have heard people on the radio who keep talking about how much money they are making with eBay using a site called Salehoo you can also learn about it here: http://about-salehoo.com Have any of you guys joined a service like that and seen results? I'm a little nervous but it seems like every body's doing it so I thought I'd ask for some advice and perhaps intelligent tips before I consider dipping my feet in the water.


A year and a few weeks, from the moment of diagnosis daughter allergic bronchial asthma mild degree (daughter was 1 year and 10 months).
What I knew came out of pulmootdeleniya on asthma - nothing, absolutely nothing. Here is some information found here -- http://www.bbc.co.uk/survey/redir/newstxtsurv/redir.shtml?survey=no&url=asthma.world-autoinsurance.com/asthma-in-cat.html - asthma in cat


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Hey people

Well I just thought i might introduce myself.
My name is Frank
Im 18 years old..
My favorite food is pasta
Im a http://christiandating.u.yuku.com>christian for life lol
I work at Burger King
I guess thats enough of an intro lol

Nice to be here! Nice to meet you guys!


Moscou - les epicentres de l'economie Russe, le plus grand debouche en gros et les propositions. La sortie pour lui est desirable pour n'importe quel compagnie, souhaitant developper et etre fructueux. Je propose la cooperation dans la decision des questions de la distribution en gros, l'approvisionnement, le marketing.

Votre business a augmente deja. Vous n'avez pas remarque ? Est mauvais ce soldat, qui ne reve pas de devenir le general. Encore plus mal business, le maitre de qui ne pense pas a son developpement. Les perspectives, qui ouvre la sortie de l'activite commerciale pour le niveau de toute la Russie, sont immenses : de nouveaux fournisseurs, les dealers, la croissance des volumes de la production et le partenariat avec les plus grandes compagnies. Mais pour le business regional c'est pratiquement impossible sans representation a Moscou.

La representation a http://www.in-msk.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=27&Itemid=39>Moscou sera reelle Peut, vous n'etes pas d'accord avec une telle affirmation ?, et le comptable parle que la somme depensee pour la representation de Moscou, sera incomparable avec îòäà÷åé de lui ? Que, prenez le feuillet du papier et ecrivez par dessus "le profit Manque". Mais ensuite a la colonne : íàêðóòêè des dealers de Moscou pour votre marchandise, les prix surevalues des matieres premieres pour les regions, les missions constantes a la capitale, la lutte quotidienne pour la place sous le soleil avec les firmes concurrentes, qui sont sorties deja

Plus de la creation de la representation par voie de àóòñîðñèíãà A la mode ces derniers temps le mot "àóòñîðñèíã", non a gagne par hasard une telle popularite. Il est plus de que les directions les grandes compagnies rendent aux societes speciales : la conduite du service de comptabilite, la comptabilite fiscale, le directivisme informatique, la creation et le remplissage des portails d'information pour de grandes entreprises par les forces des specialistes etrangers - tout cela pour la region De Moscou est devenue habituelle. Est populaire moins àóòñîðñèíã dans les regions, mais en cas d'avec

Premierement, àóòñîðñèíãîâîå la representation pour l'ordre est plus bon marche, que l'ouverture de la representation par les forces : vous ne devez pas louer le bureau (l'economie sur un cher immobilier de la capitale, croyez, sera essentiel), il ne faudra pas payer le salaire l'effectif des collaborateurs, qui, en se servant de l'eloignement de la direction, devieront du travail, il ne faudra pas controler par les coups de telephone de toutes les heures leurs progres.

Et la derniere sphere, dans qui la cooperation avec nous sera tres utile : d'exposition. Nous presenterons votre compagnie aux expositions les plus prestigieuses, nous organiserons le panneau avec la production de votre societe, nous attirerons de nouveaux clients. Mais dans les intervalles entre les expositions nous aiderons îòäà÷åé a installer la publicite pour votre production dans la mass-media.


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Hi everyone. My name is Ray, from Utica, NY. I will be visiting Poland soon, and I am hoping to meet my Polish relatives. I also hope some people from here may help me in contacting my relatives before my visit. Thanks and looking forward to meeting some great people on here!


LOL A-Style is a popular brand here in italy. actually it started as a parody of a public signalization panel, but someone bought it and made a popular sticker that then became a T-shirt brand and now is a a full-fledged clothing brand (I almost bought a really nice shirt from that brand ... but they didn't have my size anymore).
And now they have a 25x10 meters ad with that logo over a building in downtown Milan. Plus they have those stickers all over the subways.


Mari-san, you are good luck

Neil Duckett

Love those logo's ... very clever!


Congratulations on your new job! I wish you all the best -- I'm sure they are lucky to have you work for them.


many congratulations on the new job! I wish you a happy and fun and productive time there.


Yatta to omedeto Mari-san! ^-^

Brian Martinez

Oh, and the OGC logo thing is very funny--it was from a British government office. They spent a lot of money designing a new logo, then when they revealed it to their staff, they immediately realized what it looked like if you stood it on end. So they canceled it. Here is a story on it:


Brian Martinez

Congrats on the new job Mari!


Congratulations on the job!

Good luck.


みなさん ありがとうございます。感謝いたします。
thank you very much

Ken Y-N

Mari, congratulations on the job! Have fun there, and drop me a line if they have other vacancies ;-)

Liked the dogs - that wee black one jumping over the fence looks like one of the dust balls from the Miyazaki animes!


A new job! A it seems a really interesting one too. おめでとうございます。

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