I can tell you those guys are Japanese (perfect Japanese they spoke) but music is Chinese and that city is not in Japan. Like I said always, when they make an ad, why they don't check such basic part, I mean it is Japanese music or Chinese music. Of course we might watch such foreign confusing in Japan too thought, I hate that.
Did you read this cute news. "Horse gets head stuck in tree". Why did she do that anyway.
MUJI open the new page "MUJI future". I was impressed to read their translation. I think the sentense was written in Japanese originally, but English translation is pretty good and no meaning has changed.
Japan probe has intersting post. "foreigner has the Yamanote Halloween train again?. Last year, their Yamanote train made 2ch enjoy (flaming). Here is some video of those train. Since I don't use Yamanote line, I am just looking forward to what will happen.
I like subliminal, actually I was colletion subliminal ads before my PC CRASHED! Today I found another two. One is this McDonalds one, hmm alwasy sex organs can be a strong weapon, right? Then I was really laughed at this one . Many small face in Broccoli, orz weird!. By the way I found very interesing video, UK guy Derren Brown gave subliminal advice to ad designer. It's amazing.
I wonder if it's cheaper to make commercials in China/Taiwan/etc than it is to make them in Japan. If so, that could account for the setting. As for the music, most Americans can't tell the difference between Japanese traditional music and other kinds of Asian traditional music, so the director probably just went with whatever he felt suited the commercial best. At least the actors spoke Japanese well, right?
Posted by: Erin | Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 02:28 PM
Mari-san, I apologize in advance to all of Japan for the moronic behavior of any North Americans on any train lines in Japan on 10/31. If I was in Japan on Halloween, I would stay away from all trains for the duration and wear a paper bag over my head not as a mask, but in shame! (@-@)
I can't apologize for the moronic behavior of any other foreigners though (Brits, Aussies, EUs, etc.), cuz I ain't one of them! ;)
Posted by: Heidi | Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 07:39 AM
I was expecting to see Sekai no Heipo in that broccoli photo.
Posted by: Apple Otaku | Friday, October 24, 2008 at 11:33 AM
Haha, I enjoyed your comment about the Chinese music. Actually that kind of mistake doesn't seem so bad to me. When I watch Japanese TV I see much worse misconceptions about America. Sometimes the mistakes are so bad that I can't even understand what they are trying to convey. I have to ask a japanese friend to tell me how Japanese person would interpret it.
That commercial would probably not make it on the air in America. Too many stereotypes (like from the 1980s), so people would complain.
Posted by: | Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 11:25 PM