I love short animations for adults, my favorite is 'Poppie the Performer'(it's MAD), but recently I like 'Usavich.' Usavich (from the Japanese 'usagi' (rabbit), with 'vich' added to give it a faux-Russian flavor) is a series of animated short films that Kanaban Graphics has been producing for MTV Japan since 2006. It's about an odd couple of rabbits imprisoned in a Russian prison. You can watch some of them on Youtube. Try it.
Did you read this news? 'Helmet to Convey Messages by Thought.' Little by little, we are getting closer to the world of 'Ghost in the Shell.'
I enjoyed these two posts: 'What have you learned while living in Japan?' and '101 Lessons learned in Japan.' I like that Sleep is not a bodily function, rather, a hobby. It's so true. Some busy business people sleep all day long on weekends. They are tired, but if they really want to do something, they won't sleep so much, but I guess we can say that sleeping is their hobby. I also like When people are really trying to speak to you in English, and their English really isn't great, resist the temptation to switch it to Japanese despite the fact that you may be thinking 'This conversation would be so much easier in Japanese, I know I could do it, rather than this rubbish English, ggrrrr!' They are trying to communicate in a foreign language, it's not easy, be nice, be patient, they will feel on top of the world if they believe that they can have a dialogue with a foreigner. I like this too, thank you for your kindness.
Please don't think that all people think like those on bigdaikon.com. Most of them are very angry ^^;
Posted by: Randy | Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 01:59 AM
ahhhhhhh I made the same mistakes. Sorry!!!
Posted by: mari | Friday, October 17, 2008 at 10:35 PM
It seems all your links are using "herf" instead of "href" in their HTML. So the URLs are there but the attribute is spelt wrong. Maybe a problem caused by auto-spellcheck? Hope this helps.
Posted by: Paul | Friday, October 17, 2008 at 02:28 PM
Yes,your links are not working since yesterday....other than that dropping by your site is my daily exercise ^_^
Posted by: JC | Friday, October 17, 2008 at 01:48 PM
Hi, I'm having the same problem - your recent links are working. Otherwise, I love your site!
Posted by: | Friday, October 17, 2008 at 01:27 PM
Your links aren't working. They don't link. You need to fix your code.
Posted by: anon | Friday, October 17, 2008 at 08:49 AM