Alice sent me this soramimi, it's a part of Sanctuary of Iron Maiden. For Japanese, it sound like "Curry ga tabetai! ( I want to eat curry). Can't never hear donington you gotta turn.
Just a few days ago, the world's heaviest man gets married. (he is handsome, I think) That news will make feel easy over weight people in the world, I guess. Japan has lower ranking in BMI chart, but of course we have obiesty issue, especially middle_aged guys are grtting heavier. I wrote before we have "metabolic syndrome craze". Stomach size check added to regular health check and if it's over 85cm (for guys), they have a warning as metablic syndrome. So guys were so nervous for stomach size recently. I found this last year's article, Maruha is a fish products maker, one of their procuts is fish sausage (that is one of my favorite food!), thier fish sausage "resara" is assigned as TOKUHO and it works to reduce neutral fat in blood (re means again, right? "sara sara" mean fluently in Japanese, your blood will be loose with less fat, such meaning it will have ) . Maruha give one peice of resara to 700 workers in head office and let them record their stomach size and level or nertral fat. After one month, Maruha checked the result and gave more sausage to only people who couldn't make good result. Hmm it sounds like a sort of discrimination against big stomach people? but as a fish sausage lover, I envy it.
I read an article that people living in countiry side have more obiese issue, becaues they use car and the number of steps by walking in a day are much less than poeple using train in city area. It's not amazing and it is so true. Actually walking is ediscovered as good weight loss exercise again for people, (even we have food craze like banana diet often in a year) Cross walker is guys underwear, you can use more calories and make your mascle big by walking with wearing it. The official site said 89% of user down BMI rate and 91% of user made more mascle rhate three months after. we have ladies cross walker and they are more cute design. I want a one for me.
If I was employed there, I would not bother to lose weight. I like fish sausage. Free fish sausage is the best kind. ( ゚ ヮ゚)
Posted by: Anonymous | Friday, October 31, 2008 at 09:01 AM