White strawberry was developped. Look ast this! Those are not unmature, it's white strawberry.
This white one is "gel remote". The remote is soft, flesh-like gel, but when you touch it, it'll be hard as if he wakes up! The remote was designed by Panasonic dessign company. In their official site, you can see their past products. I have iamge Panasonic stuffs are not so cool looking, but they are not bad.
Today I collected nice blog parts.
I love this Cat paw. You can enjoy push a cat pow. We say niku kyu and really love cat paw! As cat blog parts, this is cute too, Cat telling you temparature. A cute cat one that you can know temparature of your place. The site has English instruction so that I guess you can use it in your country.
If you like to set a clock, how about this? Pocky clock. It's lovely and easy to set. This is an another kimokawaii(ugly cute) banana clock.
As addiction type, how about this? Blog ants. You cand kill ants forever. Or you may love this popping bubble wrap? Like we have such toys, it's very addictional, right?
Maku Puppet : You can arrage your original caracter and make him/her moving your blog. Make your original caracter in this page (like wii) and copy top script in this page, you need to copy your code after pfp as "?m=your code", if you want to let him walk, add "&anim=walk" in the end.