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Friday, February 06, 2009


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You try to pick various shapes of bean and learn how to use chopsticks. We have strict manners basically. But such manners will differ from region to region.

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I don't play games now but I can agree with many of them "J-RPG Hates (And What Needs To Change)". Especially I like this "Stop with the kid characters joining your party." :-)

I picked sometimes Osaka people are so cheerful and laughing is so important for them. (I like this movie "Osaka Bang!")

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you stack the coins to make a panda or skull. When you make them, you have saved more than $200. And this is a funny toy: "manner bean". You try to pick various shapes of bean and learn how to use chopsticks. We have strict manners basically. But such manners will differ from region to region.

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Yeah, you're right.*


You dont play games anymore!? :-(
Daijoubu! That's okay! You are still a blog idol in my opinion. Keep up the good work!
Ganbatte kudasai!

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