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Wednesday, March 04, 2009


louboutin shoes

we have the word "Shitsurai" (form). Shitsurai means fitting out and preparing, setting up, but it's not just regular setting up. "Shitsurai" includes the feeling of "beauty of form." Usually we use the word when we have seasonal events like New Years Day, Hinamatsuri, etc. This site shows examples of shitsurai with beautiful photos.

christian louboutin

This site shows examples of shitsurai with beautiful photos. This is New Year, this is Hinamatsuri, and this is Boy's Day. Maybe it looks like just displays, but shitsurai is not just about displaying, it's an applicative kind of set up... hmm it's difficult to explain. Anyways, I wanted to say that if you watch “Departures,” you can see the shitsurai for departures to the afterworld.


Tokyo Metro and Japanese tobacco manner posters are always interesting. My favorite JT one is this and my favorite TM one is this. I know that in North America, you’d be arrested by police if you drank in public like that. In Japan, it's not an issue of the law, but rather one of manners. Actually, sometimes I can’t remember how I got home because I was too drunk.


Hi Guy, really! I will check it, thank you


The Nikkei Weekly (March 2, 2009) did an article about those posters. a

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