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Friday, April 17, 2009



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If you want to see freaky Young and pop culture, Harajuku is good. There are cheap clothes, fashion item shops and since Yoyogi Park and Meiji Shrine are close to Harajuku, you can enjoy everything at once. Please go there on the weekend, you may see some event or flea market in Yoyogi park. Since there are a lot of foreigners around that area, you can ask anything when you want to know. Here is my old post about Takeshita Street and Meiji Street too, I hope the links still work now.

christian louboutin

Daiso Mega shop in Mahida : There are a lot of 100yen shops in Japan, but this Daiso Mega Shop is in a class by itself. Unfortunately it's in an inconvenient place (40 minutes from Shinjuku). But you can find a lot of things for 100yen there. If you have enough time in Tokyo, maybe it's a good idea to go.

Tokyo National Museum : I love this place, I go there sometimes when they have special events like Asura. Another good point is their museum shop is great. I can buy my favorite Ukiyoe Utagawa Kuniyoshi items there.

Asakusa : It's good to visit such a tourist place, you can enjoy old Japanese mood there. Since kitchen town Kappabashi is near there, try it. You can find kitchen tools and many food wax samples too.


I like the name you chose, "Oden Onsen Monogatari". If I ever visit, I'll be imagining that the people next to me are pieces of chikuwa and daikon, floating in the water.


Isetan is the best depachika! When I asked for a map, the gal at the information desk showed me where the meat section was, the sweets section was and recommended a strategy of eating my way through!

And it even has a direct entrance from the subway...


This was indeed an excellent list. Thank you.

My wife still talks about that Daiso store ;-)

And I can't believe we went to Asakusa but missed Kappabashi. My wife saw an article about that place recently and said she wished we'd gone there. I felt very dumb explaining how close we'd come.

Marco Bresciani (マルコ·ブレシャ−二)

Thaaaaaanks!!! (^-^) I've already seen some of those places and I loved them too.

I'll visit the other places this summer!

Thanks Mari.


Thanks Mari for this wonderful list.


Those are some good recommendations! Thank you!

It's definitely important to go on kappabashi in Asakusa, just to see all the strange kappa statues some businesses have. It's actually pretty funny. :D


I just want to say thank you for this blog. I've been hooked since I first discovered it.

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