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Wednesday, April 15, 2009


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Google Japan’s prank was better, when you search some words on Google Japan, Google makes a senryu with the words. It is called CADIE technology. :-) This is much more thoughtful, right?
April fools’ pranks should either have a tinge of truth or make me grin like a tiny fool. This one impressed me very much: "2ch has started to use the domain ".orz" And I almost got tricked by this one: the company MemoLi developed the photo retouching tool "occhocochoi" (hasty), which lets you remove your finger from photos.


The sculpture of Ashura is a national treasure, one of the most treasured sculptures made during the beginning to mid-7th century to come to Tokyo from Nara. We can see it in Tokyo National museum. In the exhibition, the museum sell Kaiyogo's Ashura figure and over 8000 figures were sold in a week, wow! Maybe the figure is made well, so that not only Kaiyodo collectors but also old poeple who don't know about what is Kaiyodo would buy. I want one! In Tokyo museum shop, I have another one I want to buy. They have Fujin Ra!ijin be@r brick of medicom toy! Fujin Raijin is my favorite art in Japan. The be@r bricks looks funny and strange but I want one!

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In the exhibition, the museum sell Kaiyogo's Ashura figure and over 8000 figures were sold in a week, wow! Maybe the figure is made well, so that not only Kaiyodo collectors but also old poeple who don't know about what is Kaiyodo would buy. I want one! In Tokyo museum shop, I have another one I want to buy. They have Fujin Ra!ijin be@r brick of medicom toy! Fujin Raijin is my favorite art in Japan. The be@r bricks looks funny and strange but I want one!

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you should take a look at www.weopia.com


I read that forum thread about weirdos being attracted to Japan and...wow.

Anyway, I was curious, Mari, do you think there are some people in Japan who are attracted to another country in the same way that foreigners are attracted to Japan?


About the tech48 thing...the technology is interesting, I think. But it would feel kind of strange to me. I'd wonder why the other person was afraid to just go on webcam as herself.

Still, I like it because it means we are closer to virtual reality. It reminds me a little bit of the book Snow Crash.

Also, about the foreign weirdo thing...some American otaku are weird. But in general, Japan and Asia have always seemed "exotic" and "strange" to the west, so maybe anyone who is interested in Japan seems a little strange because of that too.

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