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Saturday, March 27, 2010


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I think the Japanese version is about the right tone - I don't like the English version- and anyway the Western media already loves talking about Japan's "problems"


with bad eyes is why that nation leads the world in the production of the valuable resource "kawaii meganekko".
Without Japanese Kawaii meganekko I would be very sad.

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the English version- and anyway the Western media already loves talking about Japan's "problems" - maybe it should have stayed in Japanese!


Hmmm, I think the Japanese version is about the right tone - I don't like the English version- and anyway the Western media already loves talking about Japan's "problems" - maybe it should have stayed in Japanese!


wow you like meganekko. Anyway I think our eyes so weak cause we have small house and watched TV so close. ha ha ha


Japan having so many people with bad eyes is why that nation leads the world in the production of the valuable resource "kawaii meganekko".
Without Japanese Kawaii meganekko I would be very sad.

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