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Wednesday, June 30, 2010


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I love that aspect of Japan, so attentive and caring from time to time!

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Newspapers and books enlarged their font sizes, and some books offer text printed with white characters on black paper, which is easier for the elderly and people with weak eyes.

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Newspapers and books enlarged their font sizes, and some books offer text printed with white characters on black paper, which is easier for the elderly and people with weak eyes.


Since Japan is well on its way to becoming a super-aging society, some services and products are changing to become more senior-friendly. Newspapers and books enlarged their font sizes, and some books offer text printed with white characters on black paper, which is easier for the elderly and people with weak eyes.


The Ourobouros would be called a trike in the UK.


I'm always amazed with Japan's evolving capacity.
For example, what you said about making letters in magazines bigger.
I don't think nobody in... anywhere else! could do that.
And I love that aspect of Japan, so attentive and caring from time to time!

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