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Thursday, July 29, 2010



I love this post, he really loves chocolate mint ice cream but it's hard to find it in market in Japan, so he tried to make it by himself with mint tablet, mint gum, mint oil and mint tooth paste! Then he said mint oil and mint tablet is too minty and mint gun doesn't taste mint, mint tooth paste was best....orz.

christian louboutin

I love this post, he really loves chocolate mint ice cream but it's hard to find it in market in Japan, so he tried to make it by himself with mint tablet, mint gum, mint oil and mint tooth paste! Then he said mint oil and mint tablet is too minty and mint gun doesn't taste mint, mint tooth paste was best....orz.


This is watermelon carrying car, this car had fledge function, so you can eat cool watermelon in summer anywhere, anytime. Why we need this? Why we have to carry watermelon? Cause we have SUIKA WARI game that is splitting a watermelon with a stick while blindfolded. Usually we play the game in beach. However I don't need this at all.

Puma Shoes

You are amazing! I love you this style!


I like the watermelon cart. Wonder how long it stays cool in there?


Splitting watermelons with a stick= Awesome~

Chris Kuan

Haha toothpaste... reminds me of the manga Yotsuba&!


Where did the game Suika Wari originate from? That ice cream sounds and looks so gross. Why didn't he just use peppermint extract or fresh mint leaves?

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