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Saturday, May 28, 2011


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At that point we had block-compression working for land transmission, the ability to edge tile simulators, the ability to fly around the world, a spring-membrane water simulation that also crossed region boundaries, and a Jos fluid for the wind.

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Because Gopan makes bread from rice! You put rice in the machine, which breaks it down into rice powder and then

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Gopan is a bread baking machine, the name "Gopan" is a portmanteau of Gohan (rice) and Pan (bread) in Japanese.

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Because Gopan makes bread from rice! You put rice in the machine, which breaks it down into rice powder and then bakes it into bread automatically. Gopan is very popular and it was difficult to buy them last year.


Unfortunately it will take many years before we can have any movies or games with video that matches this new resolution :(


That is a great TV, 16 times more resolution than HD :(

Unfortunately it will take many years before we can have any movies or games with video that matches this new resolution :(


The cake one is disturbing! rs (^~^)


Very strange images!

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