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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


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I only found your article today, i've been trying to keep up dated with the news on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, but the big news sites dont seem to report on it. Would love to read an update about it, since your blog reads very well.

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tidies up has an intention the sentiment to continue! Misses the flower, you will harvest the rain, will miss him, you will only then run into him.


Your blog is great!! I started reading it when I lived in Tokyo and still read it from Australia.
Good luck with the new format/direction.
I'll still be reading.

human hair

Definitely this blog is very informative and neatly designed. Really you've motivated me strongly in my new project by this article. As a constant reader of your blog I want to tell you that your writing skills are superb.


I read loads of blogs about Japan, yours is unique. Please don't quit!


yes, keep writing.

Martin F

I hope you keep blogging with your unique perspective and fun-loving instincts. There is nothing like Mari's blog out there.

Although, I'm also feeling slightly "kurushii" these days!


This blog is good to read because of the person who writes it! If you write about what is interesting to you, then international readers like us can see a small part of Japan.


Still reading your blog, since the beginning... and still loves it! :D
Now I (unfortunately) seldom visit the site since I'm using RSS feed... but still reading!

Go on, let us have fun! :D がんばってね。

PS: 6月4日に結婚しています…日本人女の人と… Eh eh eh

Kamil Spychalski

I love your blog,
always something new and interesting to read.


I second that: Love your blog!

Whatever you decide to change it to, I'll be sure to keep reading it. Thanks, Mari! :-)


i dont know many good blogs about japan
but i like yours a lot so keep writing :)


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