Last night, Studio Ghibli's "Castle in the Sky" was aired on TV in two years. Every it comes on TV, we have funny mess :-) on the Internet. It is "Balse" バルス festival.
In the end of the movie, Pazu and Sheeta decide to use the Spell of Destruction. With a single word, the pendant triggers the collapse of the city's core. I don't know English version of the Spell(I can't find it), but in Japanese one is the word "Balse". (don't know this is the correct way to spell)
People say the word at the same timing of animation on TV and it made down servers of Twitter, niconico doga and 2ch always. This year, niconico doga said "We will be okay" and actually they had "a live watching show", and Twitter seemed to okay (even though some said I saw the whole) but 2ch had to be down before the timing.
And last night they made the world new record of tweeting. it was 11,349 in a second.(it was 8868 of Beyonce's pregnant tweets before) Those tweets were all "Balse"!.