This is the top ten TV ads that was "HOT" in the INTERNET in 2011 in Japan. The result will be so different if you ask to people who watch only TV?. Anyway how was your country?
No.1: Lynx Excite Angel Ambush London Victoria
No.2: Thai Life Insurance- Silence of love
No.3: Kyuahu bullet train starts to run, special version
No.4: Snickers with well known "bitch" actress ERIKA sama in Japan
No.5: Unbelievable David Beckham, maybe CG?
No.6: Contrex - Ma Contrexperience - 97s
No.7: Don't Talk - Angry Voicemail (Uncensored)
No.8: Skittles Touch: Cat
No.9: Go Beyond The Cover: Behind the Scenes
No.10: Mickey Mouse Brings Disney Magic to New York City
Since I don't watch TV, I am not sure what was best in Japan this year, but I like this that I found accidentaly in Youtube.