A popular Japanese manga/anime Kuroko's Basketball gets into a criminal action.
It started in October last year. Someone by the name of "Death in mourning dress" sent threat by letter "I hate Fujimaki(writer of Kuroko's Bsketball), he knew me, he destroyed my life" with some suspicious white powder to several companies, medias and schools that Fujimaki graduated. Also "Death in mourning dress" set the bad smell liquid in a Sophia university with the paper "I hate Fujimaki". Those series of threats were reported on TV everyday. But after October, the threat was calm down gradually.
In January in 2013, "The Monster with 801 Faces" appeared on 2ch and he said he was one of this criminal group. He added some threats on 2ch but suddenly he declared pausing of series of the threat once.
Then in October 2013. "The Monster with 801 Faces" has started it again. This time, targets were changed to products related to Koroko's bascketball like DVD, Book, Snacks etc,. Convenient stores Seven Eleven Japan and Sanks K removed the snacks from the store coz they got letters about poisoning to snacks. The largest software shop TSUTAYA started to remove all DVD and mangas this week coz they got life-threatening words for customers and the letter required to TSUTAYA that they should have removed all by November 3rd. In the recent threat letter was sent to the Sankei Shinbun, in that latter "The Monster with 801 Faces" talks about the "X-DAY". He( or they) will do something big in November 4th. We don't know what will happen or not happen, we are worried about the Sophia university has school festival and November 4th is the last day of it. Here is an article in English.
As famous threat case, I remember very well Glico Morinaga case. Because Glico and Morinaga snacks dissappears from the stores once and security camera took the criminal once, he had very thin eyes and we called him "fox eyes guy". The Glico Morinaga case is one of big unsolved case.