Cup no Fuchiko is a small girl figure, you set on a edge of cup. The boom ("What the Heck is Cup no Fuchiko ? ") (via otakumode) had happen a few years ago and now there are a lof of variation and different versions.
For suvenior, they have Star Wars and as different variation, there are coasters called "Cup no Sotoko", a bit scary.
By the way, in this spring we had "SMAP shock". Japanese idol boys group "SMAP" was almost left their agent Johnny's which is the empire of boys group in Japan. Since they are big name in this country, even BBC took it as an Asian news. Eventually they denied it and the issue was finally settled by apologizing in their TV show, but apparently they apologized to Johnny's, not their fans, we call it public execution which Johnny's set as warning.
A member of SMAP Tsuyoshi Kusanagi tries "Real Cup no Fuchiko" in their TV show. It's funny.