Finally Cherry blossom has just stared blooming in Tokyo. I think this weekend is the best timing to have ohanami (watching flower party). Since we love Cherry blossom and can't miss to watch them we have special alart to know the Cherry blossom front, it's called Sakura Zensen.
Some websites open to report it. Here is the 2016 Cherry Blossom site of Yahoo Japan. It tells us which are's flower has bloomed or still they are just buds.
Here is the Cherry Blossom information of
Personally, I love the conbination of river and flowers, coz we can see pink shade in front of water and also it's beautiful to see petals fall into the water too. So my best spot in Tokyo is Chidori Gafuchi or Meguro River. But I will tell you everywhere in Japan is beatuful spot in this season.
These stunning photos of Japanese cherry blossoms will fill you with wonder
桜と日本人 - cherry blossoms and japanese spirit