Ohh Great job! who can imagine original HIM!
This is a sad story, 18 people jumped into the train in JR ShinKoiwa station for only two years (close "once in a month"). There are a few reason the station is choose like this. Narita express goes through at 100km/hour speed. Since train platform curve gently, train driver can't see even suspicious person stand on the edge around front and can't slow down. And I have to say people knew Shin Koiwa is well known as suicide spot, so people know they can make it. Then the station try to protect it by with utmost effort. It's a little bit abnormal.
They set blue panel on the roof and make the station brighter than other station,also blue light has calm down effects. Then there are a lot of panels and ads to counseling center. But now they know they need home doors even costs money a lot.
In Enoshima, there is a famous shop of "Tako Senbei". Tako Senbei is pressed octopus and a little bit flour.
Nifty Portal Z has this post, they make "press food" by hot plate and iron. :-)Interesting idea to make chips!
I read NEET means "Not in Education,Employment or Training" in the UK. In Japan,In Japan it means 15-34 years old people are neither working nor finding job.Such NEETS made a company "NEETS company". NPO 中小企業共和国 planed and helped this project since this summer. When they had presentation meeting on the Internet in June, over 3000 people watched it, after that they had real meetings and discussions. then finally about 170 people are left to make the plan real. All members are board member, there is no manager, no president, no relationship between employer and employee. And also almost no rule. Coz they don't want to shrink their new and free idea and imagination. Each members choose and join the activities plan which they have interesting. They have over 30 business plan already. Each board member invests 6000yen, so initial capital is about million yen.I think this is very interesting trial.